Fonts List command¶
Selects a recently used font (multiple items).
This command consists of multiple menu items, displaying a list of recently used fonts. This command selects the specified font. The number of fonts to be displayed as the recent files can be set on the Number of Recent Fonts text box on the History page of the Customize dialog box, under the Tools Menu (Tools > Customize > History).
How to Run¶
Default Menu: View > (Recent Font)
All Commands: View > Font > Recent Font > (Recent Font)
(on the arrow) > (Recent Font)
Status Bar: None
Default Shortcut Key: None
Plug-in Command ID¶
From EEID_MRU_FONT1 through ID_MRU_FONT1 + 63 (from 4736 through 4736 +
editor.ExecuteCommandByID(4736 + i); // i is an integer from 0 through 63
editor.ExecuteCommandByID 4736 + i ' i is an integer from 0
through 63