Sort page

The Sort page allows you to customize settings related to sort function.

Fast Binary Comparison check box

If this is checked, fast binary comparison is used to sort. The locale information is ignored when this is checked.

Stable Sort check box

If this is checked, stable sort is used. The stable sort maintains the relative order of records. The stable sort is usually slower.

Ignore case check box

If this is checked, case is ignored.

Do not differentiate between Hiragana and Katakana characters check box

If this is checked, corresponding Hiragana and Katakana characters compare as equal.

Ignore nonspacing combining characters, such as diacritics, dakuten, and handakuten check box

If this is checked, nonspacing combining characters, such as diacritics, dakuten, and handakuten, are ignored.

Ignore symbols check box

If this is checked, symbols are ignored.

Do not differentiate between a half-width and a full-width characters check box

If this is checked, the difference between half-width and full-width characters is ignored. The full-width form is a formatting distinction used in Chinese and Japanese scripts.

Treat punctuation marks the same as symbols check box

Hyphen and apostrophe are treated as normal characters. This is off by default to ensure that words containing hyphen or apostrophe are matched when sorting by letter.

Treat digits as numbers check box

If this is checked, digits are sorted as numbers even when using Sort A to Z or Sort Z to A commands. For example, "2" is sorted before "10".

Ignore leading non-numeric characters when sorting numbers check box

If this is checked, leading non-numeric characters are ignored when using Sort Smallest to Largest or Sort Largest to Smallest commands.

Treat full-width characters as 2 characters when sorting by length check box

If this is checked, full width characters are treated as 2 characters when using Sort Shortest to Longest or Sort Longest to Shortest commands.

Compare unquoted strings in cells of CSV documents check box

Compares unquoted strings in cells of CSV documents. For instance, when a cell strings is "a""b", the actual string to compare will be a"b.

Inspect only selected strings when vertical selection or multiple selections exist check box

Inspects only selected strings for sort when vertical selection or multiple selections exist.

Group identical strings when sort by occurrence check box

Group identical strings when sort by occurrence.

Allow digit grouping check box

Allows digit grouping in numbers. The digit grouping character depends on the locale specified in the Locale drop-down list box. This option affects the Sum and Average values on the status bar and the Number Range expressions for the Search and Filter as well as Sort commands.

Locale drop-down list box

Specifies the locale used for the sort.

Reset button

Resets to default settings.