Fuzzy Matching Options dialog box

This dialog box appears when the ... button is clicked in the Find, Replace, Find in Files, Replace in Files, Advanced Filter, or Join CSV dialog box.

Similarity slider

Specifies the similarity in percentage. For instance, if you specify 75%, and if the search string is 4 characters long, 3 out of 4 characters must be equal in order to match. You may set this 100% if any of the following options is set. For instance, if you only want to ignore diacritics, you should set this 100% and set the Ignore nonspacing combining characters, such as diacritics, dakuten, and handakuten check box.

Max edit distance

Specifies the max edit distance that a matched string can have. fuzzx maching and fuzzy matching are 2 edit distance apart.

Ignore nonspacing combining characters, such as diacritics, dakuten, and handakuten check box

If this is checked, nonspacing combining characters, such as diacritics, dakuten, and handakuten, are ignored. For instance, é (U+00E9) and e (U+0065) will not be differentiated.

Do not differentiate between a half-width and a full-width characters check box

If this is checked, the difference between half-width and full-width characters is ignored. For instance, A (U+0041) and A (U+FF21) will not be differentiated.

Do not differentiate between Hiragana and Katakana characters check box

If this is checked, corresponding Hiragana and Katakana characters compare as equal. For instance, あ (U+3042) and ア (U+30A2) will not be differentiated.

Do not differentiate between small and large kana characters check box

If this is checked, corresponding small and large kana characters compare as equal. For instance, あ (U+3042) and ぁ (U+3041) will not be differentiated.

Ignore Unicode Variation Selector characters check box

If this is checked, Unicode Variation Selector characters are ignored. For instance, 辻 (U+8FBB) and 辻󠄀 (U+8FBB U+E0100) will not be differentiated.

Ignore Emoji sequences check box

If this is checked, Emoji sequences are ignored except the first code value of the sequences. For instance, 👨‍🦰 (red hair man, U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B0) and 👨‍🦳 (white hair man, U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B3) will not be differentiated.

Add button

String/Character Range dialog box will be displayed and will allow you to add a string or character range to the list.

Delete button

Removes the selected range from the list.

String/Character ranges list box

Lists the user-defined strings and character ranges. Double-clicking on an item in the list will allow you to edit the selected string or character range.