Q. What are examples of External Tools configuration?

  • Open Internet Explorer

Command: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

Arguments: $(Path)

Initial Directory: $(Dir)

Icon Path: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

Check Save File

  • Open Explorer

Command: %WinDir%\explorer.exe

Arguments: $(Dir)

Initial Directory: $(Dir)

Icon Path: %WinDir%\explorer.exe

  • Open Command Prompt

Command: %WinDir%\system32\cmd.exe

Arguments: $(Dir)

Initial Directory: $(Dir)

Icon Path: %WinDir%\system32\cmd.exe

  • Compile by Visual C++

Command: %WinDir%\system32\cmd.exe

Arguments: /k "C:\Program Files\Visual Studio\Vc7\bin\vcvars32.bat"&&cl $(Path)

Initial Directory: $(Dir)

Icon Path: C:\Program Files\Visual Studio\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe

Check Save File

  • Run associated program

Command: $(Path)


Initial Directory: $(Dir)

Icon Path:

Check Save File

  • Search Google for a word at cursor or a selected text.

Command: http://google.com/search?q=$(CurText)


Initial Directory:

Icon Path:

  • Check out from Microsoft Visual SourceSafe

Command: %WinDir%\system32\cmd.exe

Arguments: /k C:\(SourceSafe path)\Common\VSS\win32\SS.EXE checkout $/(path)/$(Filename).$(Ext) -y(user name)

Initial Directory: $(Dir)

Icon Path: C:\(SourceSafe path)\Common\VSS\win32\SSEXP.EXE

  • Check in to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe

Command: %WinDir%\system32\cmd.exe

Arguments: /k C:\(SourceSafe path)\Common\VSS\win32\SS.EXE checkin $/(path)/$(Filename).$(Ext) -y(user name)

Initial Directory: $(Dir)

Icon Path: C:\(SourceSafe path)\Common\VSS\win32\SSEXP.EXE

Check Save File

You can use the following predefined arguments in Command, Arguments, Initial Directory, and Icon Path.

$(Path) The full path name of the file.

$(Dir) The directory name of the file.

$(Filename) The file name without its extension.

$(Ext) The file name extension.

$(CurLine) The logical line number of the cursor.

$(CurText) The selected text if selected, or the word at the cursor if not selected.

You can also specify environment variables, such as %WinDir%