To Specify Newline Characters

The following tables show how to specify newline characters.

Find Dialog box, Replace dialog box - Find, Replace with

Use Regular Expressions is on

\n or \r\n (same meaning)

Use Regular Expressions is off (Use Escape Sequence)

\n or \r\n (same meaning)

Find in Files dialog box, Replace in Files dialog box - Find

Use Regular Expressions is on

\r\n, \r, or \n (depends on actual newline character)

Use Regular Expressions is off (Use Escape Sequence)

\n or \r\n (same meaning)

Replace in Files dialog box - Replace with

Keep Modified Files Open is on

Keep Modified Files Open is off

Use Regular Expressions is on

\r\n, \r, or \n (depends on actual newline character)

\r\n, \r, or \n (depends on actual newline character)

Use Regular Expressions is off (Use Escape Sequence)

\n or \r\n (same meaning)

\r\n, \r, or \n (depends on actual newline character)


  • In case of "\n or \r\n (same meaning)", you cannot search newline characters by distinguishing CR+LF, CR only, and LF only.

  • In case of "\r\n, \r, or \n (depends on actual newline character)", you need to specify "\r\n" if the actual newline character is CR+LF, "\r" if CR only, or "\n" if LF only. Usually CR+LF (\r\n) is used on Windows Operating Systems, CR (\r) is used on Macintosh, and LF (\n) is used on Unix.