Manipulate the Registry (Tutorial)

To manipulate the registry, use the RegRead Method, RegWrite Method, and RegDelete Method of WshShell Object.

The following example code reads the file name of a running macro from the registry, and displays it.

[JavaScript (JScript)]

WshShell = new ActiveXObject( "WScript.Shell" );
str = WshShell.RegRead( "HKCU\\\\Software\\\\EmSoft\\\\EmEditor v3\\\\Common\\\\MacroFile");
alert( str );


Set WshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
str = WshShell.RegRead( "HKCU\\Software\\EmSoft\\EmEditor v3\\Common\\MacroFile" )
alert str


In JavaScript, if you want to include a backslash "\" within a string, it must be preceded by another backslash "\\".


Microsoft MSDN Library: RegRead Method