
Determines whether a specified character expressed as a (1) UTF-16 character value or (2) scaler value is a half-width or full-width character. (3) It can also count the total widths of the specified string. You can use this inline function or explicitly send the EE_IS_CHAR_HALF_OR_FULL message.

(1) Editor_IsCharHalfOrFull( HWND hwnd, WCHAR ch );

(2) Editor_IsCharHalfOrFull( HWND hwnd, UINT nScaler );

(3) Editor_IsCharHalfOrFull( HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pStr, INT_PTR cchStr )



Specifies the window handle of the view or frame of EmEditor.


(1) The Unicode character to be queried expressed as a UTF-16 character value.


(2) The Unicode character to be queried expressed as a scaler value.


(3) The UTF-16 string to be queried.


(3) The length of the string in UTF-16 characters to be queried.

Return Values

(1) Returns 1 if ch is a halfwidth character, or returns 2 if ch is a fullwidth or a high or low surrogate character. It may return 0 if the specified character does not advance the character position.

(2) Returns 1 if nScaler is a halfwidth character, or returns 2 if nScaler is a fullwidth character. It may return 0 if the specified character does not advance the character position.

(3) Returns the total number of widths of the specified string and length.